Posts Tagged ‘ mentoring ’

“Challenge The Ordinary” –by Linda D. Henman PhD. – The PracticaL Mentor’s book review

Jun 2nd, 2014 | By | Category: abundance, aptitude, Career advice, career challenges, career coach, challenges, competitive challenges, competitive environment, competitive peers, confidence, focus, opportunity, professional image, strategy, success, tactics, taking credit, trying too hard, will to win

I am thankful for the invitation from Career Press to review: “Challenge The Ordinary” by Linda D. Henman PhD. How do you manage for success? “Challenge The Ordinary” so instructs Linda G. Henman PhD accomplished author, active Fortune 500 management consultant, and C level Career Coach. The global economy is constantly evolving towards a more […]

7 setbacks for the middle class – the recovery aint what is seems.

Jan 25th, 2014 | By | Category: Career advice, career challenges, career choice, career choices, challenges, choosing a career, choosing a mentor, communication skills, decision making, fear, government shutdown, opportunity, personality, professional image, recession, self confidence, success, trying too hard, will to win

There are many of us still reeling from the economic recession, which by all news accounts is over. I talk to so many people who are still unemployed or under employed, and many of them are beginning to believe that some how it their fault. If you listen to the news, and political rhetoric the […]

Quick Decisions.

Feb 5th, 2012 | By | Category: application, aptitude, Career advice, challenges, confidence, decision making, fear, focus, self confidence, strategy, tactics

When faced with a challenge it is good to take time to analyze the situation. Often our first impression is not the clearest or most detailed. In our haste to reach a conclusion we over look details, which may make a difference in how to best approach the challenge. While watching a colony of ants […]

A Mentor

Jan 29th, 2012 | By | Category: finding a mentor, mentor, strategy, tactics

Last evening I spent with my daughters and some of their friends. Most of the quests were in their middle 20s to late 30s. The conversation bounced around a lot from topic to topic, but it seemed to always return to their jobs and careers. There were several things that interested me in their discussions, […]

On Mentoring

Jan 16th, 2012 | By | Category: abundance, aptitude, career choice, challenges, mentor

Did you ever notice how some parents take an active interest in their children’s activities? Some just drop their kids off at practice and pick them up when it is over. Others stay and watch, encouraging their kids when they do something good. Then there are those who take an active roll in helping their […]

Are mentoring programs worthwhile?

Jul 24th, 2011 | By | Category: abundance, Career advice, career challenges, mentor

This week I exchanged e-mails with a company interested in instituting a formal mentor program for new employees. The objective of the program would provide a formal structure for new employees to obtain advice and guidance from the senior staff outside of the usual management tract. In many organizations, the supervisor or manager has the […]

Need A Mentor?

May 22nd, 2011 | By | Category: abundance, Career advice, career choice, mentor, opportunity, professional image, strategy, success

Need a Mentor? If you don’t have a mentor, or don’t have a good mentor you need one. Although we take credit for our accomplishments, as well we should, usually there is one or more people behind our success. We all learned to walk, and most of us think we did ourselves thorough endless ties […]

Learn From the Strategies and Tactics of the Threatened Government Shutdown.

Apr 10th, 2011 | By | Category: abundance, Career advice, communication skills, government shutdown, negativity, opportunity, persuasion, strategy, tactics

This week the news media focused on the threatened government shutdown. Politics aside there were some great strategies and tactics employed by all sides to advance their goals. Soon you will see subtle variations of these strategies and tactics in the workplace. The political arena is the crucible where the art of organizational and personal […]

Everyone needs a strategy

Mar 27th, 2011 | By | Category: abundance, aptitude, Career advice, career challenges, personality, professional image, strategy, tactics

Strategy, according to deals with how one event affects others. Once only thought of as a military process, strategic planning is now a common political and business term. In its purest sense strategy looks at how elements are linked and provides a high level plan to achieve a goal. Until recently military strategies were […]

Reshaping the Workplace

Mar 20th, 2011 | By | Category: abundance, Career advice, career challenges, challenges, economy, professional image, recession, strategy, tactics

An ideal company considers the interests of the employees when making decisions that may affect their status or careers. This seldom happens in these days of lay offs and down sizing. Businesses say they are fighting for their very survival by cutting staff. Truth is that most companies are doing just fine. The economic downturn […]

New Year Networking

Dec 26th, 2010 | By | Category: abundance, application, Career advice, mentor, networking, new year, new year resolution, skills, strategy, tactics

Among the many New Year Resolutions you make this year improving your  networking and interpersonal skills should be near the top of the list. Developing  a strong social and professional network of friends and associates is essential to    achieving most of your career goals. Almost everything you want in the workplace  depends on other […]

New Year Resolutions

Dec 21st, 2010 | By | Category: abundance, Career advice, challenges, new year, new year resolution, strategy, stress, success, tactics

Making New Year Resolutions is a tradition for most of us. It is sure the hot    media topic for the swing week between Christmas and New Year’s Eve. While the  mood of Christmas puts most of us in a festive mood, it also causes most of us to  be reflective on personal and professional […]

A Case for Mentoring

Oct 17th, 2010 | By | Category: application, aptitude, Career advice, career challenges, career choice, career choices, challenges, choosing a career, competing, competitive challenges, competitive environment, competitive peers, mentor, personality, problem, skills, strategy, success, tactics

For the past nine days I was on New England cruise to view the fall foliage and tour several ports of call. During the voyage, by chance, I met a semi-retired physiologist who specialized in helping patients who were having difficulties facing challenges. The bottom line to his clinical observations is many people in challenging […]

Special Talents?

Sep 26th, 2010 | By | Category: abundance, application, aptitude, Career advice, career choice, career choices, challenges, choosing a career, confidence, mentor, natural talent, passion, retraining, skills, strategy, success, tactics, training

All of the career guidance literature I have seen over my years study says we all have a special talent, and if we develop that talent, work will seem like play and we will magically excel in the workplace. Sounds great! Problem is after 50 years in the workplace, I haven’t found my special talent. […]

Workplace Alliances

Sep 19th, 2010 | By | Category: A game, abundance, application, aptitude, Career advice, career challenges, career choices, challenges, competing, competitive challenges, confidence, mentor, self confidence, skills, success

Forging alliances at work may be the most beneficial strategic career move a person can make.  Alliances are more than casual friendships, and are formed to advance common goals or interests.  These bonds of common purpose can provide a shield against adversity, and a conduit for opportunity.  Making and keeping alliances can improve and maintain […]


Sep 12th, 2010 | By | Category: abundance, application, aptitude, Career advice, career challenges, career choices, challenges, competing, confidence, office problems, personality, persuasion, self confidence, skills, success, training

Confidence is a necessary skill that is often neglected in the development of a career strategy. There are different kinds and degrees of confidence, and finding the balance that best suits your personality and goals is often difficult. As many people suffer from over confidence as lack of confidence not only in themselves, but also […]

Back to School

Aug 23rd, 2010 | By | Category: abundance, application, aptitude, Career advice, career challenges, challenges, competing, competitive challenges, competitive environment, mentor, resume, retraining, skills, success, training

I am not sure exactly what causes it, but every year at the end of August or the beginning of September, I get the urge to go back to school.  Perhaps it is the realization that summer is drawing to a close as the days get noticeably shorter and there are hints of autumn appearing […]

Should You Always Compete?

Aug 15th, 2010 | By | Category: A game, abundance, application, aptitude, Career advice, career challenges, career choices, challenges, closing, competing, competitive challenges, competitive environment, competitive peers, economy, job description, mentor, office problems, peers, personality, problem, skills, success, training

I re-learned a lesson the hard way this week.  This summer I took a temporary job. When I was hired I was told the job had a definite term, and there would be no more work after the term was over. I accepted the job.  There were several people who were hired to accomplish the […]


Aug 9th, 2010 | By | Category: abundance, application, aptitude, Career advice, career challenges, career choices, challenges, economy, job description, mentor, personality, persuasion, problem, recession, retraining, skills, success, training

This week there was a lot buzz about Psychometrics and other job screening techniques.  questionsIt is probably a sign of the times, as employers are flooded with applications for all available jobs.  The idea of psychometric testing and correlating traits with aptitude and performance is becoming main stream.  So how do you prepare for psychometric […]

Closing the Deal

Jul 18th, 2010 | By | Category: application, Career advice, closing, mentor, negotiations, persuasion, sales, skills, success

Perhaps the best definition of closing a deal is when a commitment is made.  The classic business definition is when money changes hands, but in our careers and life in general we make a lot of deals that do not involve money.  Deals are a social concept where one side gives some thing in exchange […]