Posts Tagged ‘ competition ’

Social Aspects Of Competition

Sep 18th, 2011 | By | Category: A game, abundance, competitive challenges, strategy, tactics, trying too hard, will to win

This past week I spent at the beach. It was really nice weather the first couple of days and we played a lot of horseshoes on the beach. Although I have played horseshoes off an on over the years, I do not play often enough to be a real competitor. However holding true to my […]

Will the Events in Egypt Affect My Career?

Jan 30th, 2011 | By | Category: abundance, Career advice, challenges, competing, competitive challenges, competitive environment, economy, mentor, strategy

The stock market took a nosedive Friday (01/28/2011) and all reports pointed to the unrest in Egypt as the root cause. This made me stop to think that if the stock market can be affected by seemly-unrelated political events could there be a link between Egypt’s political unrest and US careers? Looking back over my […]

Should You Always Compete?

Aug 15th, 2010 | By | Category: A game, abundance, application, aptitude, Career advice, career challenges, career choices, challenges, closing, competing, competitive challenges, competitive environment, competitive peers, economy, job description, mentor, office problems, peers, personality, problem, skills, success, training

I re-learned a lesson the hard way this week.  This summer I took a temporary job. When I was hired I was told the job had a definite term, and there would be no more work after the term was over. I accepted the job.  There were several people who were hired to accomplish the […]