Posts Tagged ‘ negative feelings ’

7 setbacks for the middle class – the recovery aint what is seems.

Jan 25th, 2014 | By | Category: Career advice, career challenges, career choice, career choices, challenges, choosing a career, choosing a mentor, communication skills, decision making, fear, government shutdown, opportunity, personality, professional image, recession, self confidence, success, trying too hard, will to win

There are many of us still reeling from the economic recession, which by all news accounts is over. I talk to so many people who are still unemployed or under employed, and many of them are beginning to believe that some how it their fault. If you listen to the news, and political rhetoric the […]

Staying in “The Zone”

Feb 13th, 2012 | By | Category: abundance, Career advice, challenges, confidence, mentor, self confidence, strategy, tactics

Once in a while it seems like everything is going our way. Even if we encounter challenges they are small and easy to deal with, which makes feel even more in control. Sometimes these periods last for weeks, even months, other times only a few days. However the feeling they give us is like an […]

Top Six Office Gripes

Jul 25th, 2010 | By | Category: abundance, aptitude, Career advice, career challenges, career choices, challenges, difficult boss, mentor, negativity, office problems, personality, persuasion, problem, success

The July – August edition of Psychology Today ( has an article on six office top gripes and how to fix them. The six topics chosen are: Procrastination; Difficult Boss; Really Difficult Boss; Projects not going well; Feeling Negative; and Working too many hours. I am not sure how they came up with the list. […]