Posts Tagged ‘
resume ’
Aug 23rd, 2010 |
By Paul |
Category: abundance, application, aptitude, Career advice, career challenges, challenges, competing, competitive challenges, competitive environment, mentor, resume, retraining, skills, success, training
I am not sure exactly what causes it, but every year at the end of August or the beginning of September, I get the urge to go back to school. Perhaps it is the realization that summer is drawing to a close as the days get noticeably shorter and there are hints of autumn appearing […]
Tags: abundance, ancillary skills, aptitude, career, career advice, career strategies, college, computer skills, continuing education, education, employment, goals, graduation, guidance counseling, mentor, mentoring, on line courses, resume, school, success, tactics, value Posted in abundance, application, aptitude, Career advice, career challenges, challenges, competing, competitive challenges, competitive environment, mentor, resume, retraining, skills, success, training |
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Jul 11th, 2010 |
By Paul |
Category: abundance, application, aptitude, Career advice, career challenges, career choices, challenges, CV, GPA, grades, job description, mentor, resume, skills, success
This week there seemed to be a lot of questions regarding resumes, applications and CVs. What was unusual this week is most of the questions were about getting caught in a lie. The biggest culprit was grades. Some added a few points to their grade point average. Others just flat out copied the scores from […]
Tags: abundance, aptitude, buzzwords, career, college, education, employment, experience, GPA, grades, graduation, job experience, mentor, resume, tactics Posted in abundance, application, aptitude, Career advice, career challenges, career choices, challenges, CV, GPA, grades, job description, mentor, resume, skills, success |
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May 24th, 2010 |
By Paul |
Category: abundance, Career advice, career challenges, challenges, interview, mentor, office problems, personality, success
It is the time of year when Colleges and Universities are in the midst of graduating the new crop of job seekers with degrees in almost every conceivable major. Unfortunately most are joining the ranks of the unemployed with the added disadvantage of no work experience. Work experience sometimes appears as insurmountable obstacle or catch […]
Tags: abundance, acronyms, buzzwords, career advice, career strategies, company research, cover letter, experience, Interactive career and workplace advice., interview, jargon, job experience, mentor, mentoring, rapport, references, research, resume, success, tactics, working Posted in abundance, Career advice, career challenges, challenges, interview, mentor, office problems, personality, success |
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