e-book How To Cope With A Difficult Boss.
Your purchase of a copy of The PracticaL Mentor’s Guide On How To Cope With A Difficult Boss will help ensure the PracticaL Mentor Website continues. Thank you for your support.
The number one challenge in the workplace is coping with your boss. Even if you are getting along great with your boss, it is smart to be ready if things suddenly change. Perhaps a new boss shows up one day, and all your efforts and good work are just wiped clean, and you have to start over. Only now the new boss does not see you, your knowledge, talents and skills as valuable as your previous boss. What if she brings her favorites with her leaving no room for you?
Most of us have or will have a boss with whom we don’t see eye to eye. Seems we can do nothing right and are often in the crosshairs for criticism and much worse second class treatment. This can vary from annoying to detrimental. Ever get passed over for a promotion you though was in the bag? How about coming up short when the year bonuses are awarded? Does your boss make you squirm at your yearly review, making you feel like you should crawl out of her office?
Your purchase of a copy of the PracticaL Mentor’s Guide On How To Cope With A Difficult Boss will help ensure the continuation of the Practical Mentor Website.