Posts Tagged ‘ rasies ’

Perks or Pay?

Jan 23rd, 2011 | By | Category: abundance, Career advice, career challenges, career choices, challenges, economy, focus, mentor, negotiations, perks, skills, strategy, stress, success, tactics

Most of us focus only on salary when negotiating our employment packages, but it is worth your time to evaluate what perks may be worth to you in both money and quality of life. There is more pressure than ever for businesses to hold down costs, with special emphasis on wages. It may be easier […]

Titles and Tribulations

Jun 27th, 2010 | By | Category: abundance, aptitude, Career advice, career challenges, career choices, challenges, fear, interview, job description, mentor, office problems, yearly review

This week I responded to a question posted on The question read; “My new boss has told me and my other 2 colleagues that she is going to change our job titles as its not working for the private hospital we work in. Our titles are Team Leaders and she wants to change it […]

Yearly Review – Cost of Living

Jan 18th, 2010 | By | Category: career challenges, yearly review

Hello, I don’t see a place where I can ask generic questions so I am commenting on your latest post. It’s Q1 meaning yearly reviews are around the corner. Any tips for preparation and what percentage raise/cost of living should I strive for? I understand the economy last year resulted in NO raises. What do […]