“The Next Gen Leader” By Robert C McMillan – Book Review
Apr 18th, 2014 | By Paul | Category: application, aptitude, career choice, career coach, challenges, competitive challenges, competitive environment, confidence, focus, mentor, natural talent, negativity, opportunity, passion, professional image, strategy, tactics, training “The Next Gen Leader” –Cutting Edge Strategies to Make You the Leader You Were Born to Be- by Robert C. McMillan – The PracticaL Mentor’s book review
I am thankful for the invitation from Career Press to review: “The Next Gen Leader” – Cutting Edge Strategies to Make You the Leader You Were Born to Be – By Robert C. McMillan.
We are all born to be leaders. In his book “The Next Gen Leader” Robert C. McMillan teaches us his “6G Leadership System.” The metaphor with the current cell phone network jargon is intentional as McMillan uses the current communications network structure to emphasize each element of the “6G Leadership System” is independent and operates on its designated telecom network. In order for any phone to work it has to be able to access its designated supporting network. For example a 2G analog cell phone cannot access nor operate on a 3G digital network. The “6G Leadership System” has 6 distinct elements and each element has independent specific characteristics, but all the elements are used to provide leadership, just as the different generations of telecom networks provide communications. Each has specific characteristics.
Unlike the traditional laddered leadership hierarchy, the “6G Leadership System” is circular enabling the use of any and all of the six leadership elements as necessary to provide the right leadership at the right time. The traditional laddered leadership hierarchy isolates one level of leadership from the others, and once a rung is achieved the methods of the lower levels are no longer employed. Most of us work under a traditional leadership ladder where upper management, only communicates with middle management, which in turn communicates with first line supervisors who communicate with the staff. Something like the first telephone the staff can only listen.
The “6G Leadership System” enables one to advance and add skills while still retaining and using the skills of the other elements. McMillan explains only a few master all six of the elements of the “6G Leadership System” and like our telephone network each generation of communications can stand alone, but the more of the combined networks we master the valuable we become as leaders.
Using a circular diagram McMillan teaches us the “6G Leadership System”
1G Genetic Leadership Network – demonstrates potential
2G Generic Leadership Network – accepts leadership
3G Go-To Leadership Network – recognized results
4G Growth Leadership Network – performance and growth achievements
5G Gateway Leadership Network – creates opportunity and change for others
6G Genius Leadership Network – agility and ability to influence success.
The outstanding feature of the “6G Leadership System” is the ability to fulfill our innate leadership potential and reap the benefits. McMillan is very clear that not all leaders are appointed managers. There are leaders within the entire strata of the business world. By applying the principles and methods of the “6G Leadership System we can be leaders in any environment.
The PracticaL Mentor www.practicalmentor.com
Title: The Next Gen Leader
Author: Robert C McMillan
Place Published: Pompton Plains, NJ
Pages: 298
Price: $16.99
ISBN: 978-1-60163-309-5