PracticaL Mentor

Dec 23rd, 2009 | By | Category: Uncategorized

The goal of the PracticaL Mentor is to provide career advice and strategies to help survive and advance on the job. By addressing workplace issues and challenges the PracticaL Mentor will supply a forum to share ideas and experiences on issues and challenges that occur in the workplace.  Some may sound trivial, but even a small problem at work can have long term repercussions.  Fifty years of experience has taught me there are no small problems when it comes to your career.

In my opinion, mentors are the most valuable asset when climbing the success ladder. The ability to avoid challenges and conflicts before they become problems is superior to slugging it out with a boss, co-worker or customer. Win, loose or draw, the scars of the battle often remain for a long time.  The PracticaL Mentor by discussing the pitfalls and traps in the workplace may allow recognition and avoidance tactics to be employed. 

Not all problems can be avoided. No matter how artful the game is played sooner or later there will be an issue that can not be sidestepped.  The way these unavoidable challenges are handled can enhance careers. On the other hand handled wrongly these challenges can stain an otherwise promising career.  By leveraging a broad scope of experience, ideas and advice that fit the situation may give guidance on developing a workable solution. 

Mentors are the master key to success. In reading success story after success story there is almost always a turning point when a helping hand clears the way and opens the doors. Mentors come in all varieties. Some are rich and influential. Other mentors are successful people who take an interest in an employee and Shepard them along. Others may be circumstantial where fate brings people together at just the right time. All entertaining stories, but how can the rest of us put that to practical use?  Winning the lottery is a way to riches, but the odds are against it.  The PracticaL Mentor is for the rest of us who are not lucky enough to have a white knight or a winning lottery ticket. By pooling resources and experiences through the PracticaL Mentor, all will benefit.  

Often when a problem arises there is no where to turn for advice.  This is a lonely position and one where it is easy to make emotional decisions which may have unpleasant results.  Sometimes just thinking through a situation will give insight to possible solutions.  Writing is sometimes even better. The PracticaL Mentor will provide a conduit to enable the posting of workplace issues, challenges and problems. All posts invite comments. By reviewing the posts and comments all may gain insight, ideas and strategies to apply to similar situations.

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