Book Review 7 Principles Of Transformational Leadership By Hugh Blane

Jun 25th, 2017 | By | Category: Career advice


I am thankful for the invitation from Career Press to review Hugh Blane’s new book 7 Principles of Transformational Leadership.


Leadership is an essential asset to achieve success in today’s fast moving society.   Unfortunately skill sets are becoming a commodity and quickly being replaced by computer’s and Artificial Intelligence (AI). My personal experience as an Electronics Engineer taught me that while a highly developed skill set may help you land a job; it is leadership abilities that enable you to climb the ladder of success. Possessing the ability to transform your leadership mindset to meet the challenges of today’s business world is sentential to obtain, maintain, and advance your career and social standing.   Hugh Blane’s book “7 Principals of Transformational Leadership” (Create a Mindset of Passion Innovation and Growth) contains the keys to unlock your leadership potential.

Many of us, myself included, have a tendency to be reactive rather than proactive. We pride ourselves on our abilities to meet challenges as they arise. However, like Don Quixote we soon find ourselves fighting windmills instead of leading, because that is what we know how to do. A change of mindset is what is needed to put us back into leadership mode. 7 Principals Of Transformational Leadership supplies the tools to examine our current leadership mindset and the knowledge and methodology to change it. By asking provocative questions, Hugh Blane guides us to examine our current mindset in seven specific areas and sage advice on how to transform your leadership style to be an effective and efficient leader.

Leadership ability has to be demonstrated and recognized to be an asset. Did you ever believe that you were the best choice to lead a project only to be passed over in favor of someone much less qualified? This has happened to me on several occasions during my career. Now as a career coach I look back on my experience and the experience of my clients to find a cause and a solution to this common recurring phenomenon.   I found the most salient cause of the pass over phenomenon is that we fail to brand ourselves and be recognized for our skills and abilities. Part of effective leadership is demonstrating and being recognized as a leader. It is paramount that along with developing leadership skills you brand yourself as a leader. Hugh Blane addresses this with and excellent section on developing your brand. This is a must read for everyone no matter if you desire to be a leader or not.


This book is well written and easy to read and understand. The examples are salient to any career, and the advice is spot on for transforming you leadership mindset. I recommend this book for all who are or want to become leaders

The PracticaL Mentor –



Title: 7 Principals Of Transformational Leadership

Author: Hugh Blane

Publisher: CAREER PRESS INC, Wayne NJ

Pages: 256

CIP Data available upon request.

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