Book Review “All Hands On Deck” By Peter J. Boni
Jul 19th, 2015 | By Paul | Category: book review, Career advice, career choice, career choices, passion, strategy, tacticsI am thankful for the invitation from Career Press to review Peter J. Boni’s new book All Hands On Deck
All Hands On Deck is a must read for all those who have an interest in management, and especially those aspiring to become a CEO. Peter J. Boni reveals his strategy to find opportunity in sinking enterprises. Using an actual shipwreck example, Boni guides the reader through the process to evaluate a dire situation accurately, and devise and implement a plan to ensure success.
Employing the exploits of Josiah Nickerson Knowles a clipper ship captain in the 1800’s who gained fame for his ability to save all of his passengers and crew when his ship the Wild Wave ran aground in a remote region of the South Pacific. Captain Knowles and his crew are etched in annals of shipwreck survival folklore for their survival and rescue against seemly overwhelming circumstances. By analyzing Captain Knowles actions to successfully achieve rescue of his passengers and crew, and his own Vietnam combat experience, Peter Boni develops his ABCs to Advance strategy that may be applied to any challenging situation. Employing his case study and the case studies of six other successful CEOs who applied the model to their own challenging situations, Boni illustrates “How” to utilize the ABCs to Advance to right a troubled enterprise.
Peter Boni’s ABCs to Advance are spot on and give a detailed blueprint of how to be a successful CEO. Even more important is the advice to have confidence in your abilities to apply the model in situations where others fear to try. Like Captain Knowles who when faced with a life and death situation saved himself and everyone else, and catapulted himself and several of his crewmembers to fame and fortune.
Have you ever turned down an opportunity to take a leadership role in a troubled situation? I have, and in reflecting on my career it is what I consider one of my biggest mistakes. Although there is no way to know if I would have excelled at righting the sinking ship, or salvaging the mission and the crew, I do know that it went against something deep inside of me not to try. My advice to managers of all ages is “If those in charge did not think you could do the job, they would not offer it to you.” Take advantage of opportunities to demonstrate your leadership abilities, that is what builds careers.
The case studies illustrate the point that trouble situations are opportunities to use Peter Boni’s ABCs to Advance model, and to become skilled at kedging like Captain Knowles.
Best of luck.
The PracticaL Mentor –
Title: All Hands On Deck
-Navigate Your Team Through Crises, Getting Your Organization Unstuck, and Emerging Vitorious.
Author: Peter J, Boni
Place Published: Pompton Plains, NJ
Pages: 318
Special Features: Six Case Studies
ISBN: 978-1-60163-372-9