“They Don’t Teach Corporate In College” Third Edition – Book Review
Mar 12th, 2014 | By Paul | Category: Career advice, career challenges, competitive challenges, decision making, professional image, self confidenceI am thankful for the invitation from Career Press to review: “They Don’t Teach Corporate In College” Third Edition – A Twenty Something’s Guide To The Business World – By Alexandra Levit.
Ask a college student what they want most, and the majority will talk of graduating and having a stellar career in their chosen profession. Ask what it takes to get a college degree, and every student can tell you their required course of study, and the exams they have to pass. Then ask how do you achieve success in your chosen profession, and the answers become general and vague. The reason is – They don’t teach corporate in college.
Alexandra Levi in her book “They Don’t Teach Corporate In College” Third Edition – A Twenty Something’s Guide To The Business World, provides insight and advice on what recent graduates, can expect, and how to achieve success in the business world. The golden rule from college that states study + get good grades = success is no longer applicable. All of a sudden, there is no syllabus of requirements, and all of those personal traits that did not matter in college are paramount to success in the business world.
Starting with the basics, Alexandra uses her own experiences and the experiences of others to guide new hires through the trials and tribulations of the modern workplace. The workplace is constantly changing, and the old success beacons no longer guarantee safe passage. The new current thinking is many existing jobs will disappear in the near future, and many jobs that currently don’t exist will demand new skill sets. Today’s workplace demands flexibility and resilience to adapt and prosper in an ever-changing employment environment. “They Don’t Teach Corporate In College” provides the underpinnings to develop and grow your career in the new workplace.
Starting with tips on looking for that elusive first job and continuing through the gambit of workplace challenges that 20 something professionals face in their quest for success in the workplace. Each generation has it’s own. The current millennia generation is no different. I have watched my own 20 something daughter enter the business world fresh out of college and advance to an Internet Marketing Director in seven short years. We often discuss the challenges she encounters; many of the challenges she encountered are addressed in “They Don’t Teach Corporate In College” – A Twenty Something’s Guide To The Business World. I recommend this book to the 20 something’s just starting their careers, and bosses who manage young employees.
The PracticaL Mentor www.practicalmentor.com
Title: They Don’t Teach Corporate In College – Third Edition
Twenty Something’s Guide To The Business World
Author: Alexandra Levit
Place Published: Pompton Plains, NJ
Pages: 240
Price: $15.99
ISBN: 978-1-60163-308-8