Time to start putting together your yearly review presentation.

Jul 7th, 2013 | By | Category: Career advice

Time to start preparing for your year end review.

Where does the time go? Seems like yesterday we were sitting in the boss’s stammering to come up with our achievements for last year. Remember the lump in your throat when asked, “So what were your biggest accomplishments?” You can probably still feel that ice-cold bead of sweat running down your back, even though the temperature in the room was in the low 70’s. The one thought that kept running through your mind as everything around you kind of blurred. NOT AGAIN, NEVER AGAIN, will I come to a review meeting unprepared.

Well you have less than six months. That sounds like a long time, but if you keep notes and records like I do, you will need every minute of your spare time to find and reconstruct those winning moments. Funny how you think you would never forget saving the day at a big meeting, or turning in a stellar project early. Or where are those nice e-mails of appreciation that you were going to file away? All gone. Not at trace anywhere. Yeah, the project is on record, but that’s it. No comment on how well it was prepared, or that it was early.

Unless you are happy with the way things went last year, and the bonus you got, you better get busy. I recommend making a power point presentation just like you were going to present to a formal meeting. This serves several purposes. It helps you organize your achievements in the order you would like to present them. I like to have a big accomplishment at the beginning, then fill how you met and exceeded all of your job elements, then finish up with some wow factors, and comments, e-mails and letters supporting your good work. A good presentation with graphs and clip art are all part of the presentation, and the best thing is you can leave a copy or copies with your boss for his future reference.

Even if your boss takes the lead, and has some points he wants to go over, you can still use the presentation. Listen to what he has to say. Explain and defend in a professional manner, and be genuine. When the boss begins to conclude, show him your presentation. If she does not let you present it leave it with her, or as a last resort e-mail when you get back to your office with a copy to yourself. If things are really sticky include a CC to HR so you have your side on record too.

Most of us are doing fine, all we need is to spend a little time brushing up on our accomplishments. Now is the time to start. For some reason when it comes to voicing our accomplishments we sheep out. You can seek help from your coworkers, but be careful. Once they catch on what you are doing they may not be as helpful as you may think. A mentor can help you with your presentation keeping a professional eye on the ball, and making sure you include even those little things that you may not feel matter. Like perfect attendance. Sounds like something you would a gold star for in grade school, but in today’s workplace being there everyday and on time is a big accomplishment.

I would be interested in seeing some of your presentations. Perhaps we can open a topic on the PracticaL Mentor Forum Page, and help each other through the process.

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