The PracticaL Mentor’s Book Review of The CEO Code

Apr 16th, 2013 | By | Category: Career advice

The CEO Code ” David Rohlander
I am grateful for the invitation from Career Press to review: The CEO Code – By David Rohlander.
In modern corporate culture, the CEO (Chief Executive Officer) is the highest-ranking management member, the top of the pyramid. The CEO Code by David Rohlander bridges the gap
David Rohlander’s new book The CEO Code bridges the gap between becoming a better manager, and becoming CEO. Although clearly beneficial to anyone aspiring to climb to the top of the corporate ladder, The CEO Code contains information and advice, which is applicable to all levels. The sooner you start acting like a CEO, the sooner you will benefit.
The CEO Code is divided into three parts: Communication; Execution; and Operations. The three parts integrated into a comprehensive guide to be an effective CEO. David Rohlander is very successful in several areas, with his experience in the military as a fighter pilot, a successful corporate career, and an top rank career coach and public speaker. Blending all of experience together, David is able to provide personal insight, and practical application of the principles required to be at the helm of a thriving company. Easy to read with plenty of examples, and end of chapter questions to emphasize and personalize the salient information from each chapter. If you skip the end of chapter reflections you are short changing yourself, by not taking advantage of the career coaching aspects of the book.
Part One: Communication lays the foundation for developing the traits and skills to become and be effective as a CEO. Developing the core requirements of effective communication is imperative to moving up through the corporate ranks. The CEO Code approaches communication as skill, and gives the guidance to enable readers to develop and enhance their communication skills. Rohlander astutely uses examples and experiences to reinforce and demonstrate the importance of communications. Part 1 is divided into five chapters that are used as building blocks to guide the reader in establishing effective communications skills. This part of the book resonates the loudest with me, for in my experience communication is the keystone to tie all ideas, skills and talents together.
Part Two: Execution develops the tools, which differentiate CEO material from the corporate heard. There are certain attributes that enable individuals to standout and be recognized for their abilities to lead. After all leadership is the primary function of a CEO. Developing the ability to lead, and important instilling the willingness of others to follow your direction is the role of a CEO. Part two both instructs and coaches the reader to develop the skills required to be a CEO. There are plenty of examples and the questions at the end, are laser focused to direct the readers attention to the core attributes of a CEO and how to develop them.
Part Three: Gets to the heart of practical application of the first two parts. By using the team concept as a model Rohlander expertly coaches the reader through the realistic hurtles encountered in managing a team. The effective CEO must be able to identify talent and resources, and apply both to produce profitable results. People are the primary resource in modern corporations. Their talents must be meld together so the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. Part three gives the reader the methodology of forming and directing highly effective teams, and to focus the team’s efforts in mode to produce the intended results.
The CEO Code is well written and easy to read. There are ample examples and anecdotes to provide concrete anchors for the concepts and methods required to reach the level of a functioning CEO. In this book Rohlander goes beyond advice in climbing the corporate ladder, and bridges the gap necessary to become the CEO.
The PracticaL Mentor
Title: The CEO Code
Author: David Rohlander
Published: Pompton Plains, NJ

Price: $16.99
ISBN: 13:978-1-60163-253 -1

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