Book Review The Power Of People Skills
Aug 20th, 2017 | By Paul | Category: book reviewI am thankful for the invitation from Career Press to review Trevor Throness’ new book The Power Of People Skills.
Trevor Throness book The Power Of People Skills details a sure fire way to ensure success in staffing your organization to achieve its true potential. Do ever wonder why some organizations perform head and shoulders above their competitors? The Power Of People Skills will help you understand and implement the same winning strategies in your organization.
While I was reading The Power Of People Skills, it became very evident to me that people are truly the main asset of an organization. Since Dale Carnegie introduced the concept of using people skills to “Make Friends and Influence People” the idea of putting together a winning team has been the mantra of most organizations, but how do you do that? Trevor Throness shares his years of experience to devlope a map to choose and manage employees to achieve that ultra winning team.
Trevor is from Canada and uses hockey in many of his examples and analogies, as all team sports operate much like business organizations. There are owners, managers and coaches, players, support staff, and of course fans. These are essentially the same components that make up most organizations. Why do some teams have undefeated seasons? How do some teams, after years of losing, emerge to win the league championship? Some say it is all luck, as most professional sports teams are evenly matched with talented players, with experienced managers and coachers. We all know that salaries and money are not factors. So what makes one team perform so much better than its rivals? Trevor helps us understand how some teams and organizations emerge the clear winners in their fields. He also enlightens us why after years of success some organization’s glory days start to fade. All the examples are very transferable to our own situations.
One of the most useful tools that Trevor presents in The Power of People Skills is an evaluation method that enables us to quantify members of our organization into one of four categories and how to use this tool to build a winning team. There are plenty of examples illustrating how the “Star Chart” may be used to build and manage a team, office or organization.
I highly recommend The Power Of People Skills to all who are interested in advancing in their field. Even if you are not a hiring manager, the knowledge you gain from reading Trevor’s book will enable you to become a star in your organization.
Best of luck
The PracticaL Mentor –
Title: The Power Of People Skills
Author: Trevor Throness
Publisher: CAREER PRESS INC, Wayne NJ
Pages: 253
CIP Data Available Upon Request
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